rogers outage

Losses from the Rogers outage are proving to be way more than just a day with no service

Congratulations to all of us Rogers customers who made it through the maddening network blackout of 2022! If you're lucky, your day was perhaps just mildly annoying, with no way to contact anyone unless you were able to snag a wifi signal somewhere and no way to pay for anything on debit.

But if you're less fortunate, you or your business lost thousands of dollars, and your compensation is now a small credit on a monthly bill.

While tens of thousands had their life severely interrupted by the outage, there are definitely some who fared far worse than others: whether it was people in unfamiliar territory overseas left with zero roaming abilities, or the indie bars, restaurants, retailers and other businessess (and their staff who rely on tips) who lost a full day of sales.

Toronto indeed felt like it was falling apart, with everything from bike shares and public transit to air travel, major events, banking and emergency services impacted.

Remote workers who use Rogers internet had to take a day off or find a connection elsewhere, like at Starbucks — that is, if they were able to pay for goods in the limited ways available with Interac machines down.

Businesses unable to use said machines were left at a loss, having to close up shop for the day or routinely explain to customers that they couldn't pay on debit.

And, communications from Rogers on the topic was scarce and vague, leaving people with no idea why the issue was happening and when things would be back up and running again (it ended up being nearly 24 hours of no wireless, home internet or TV service, with problems persisting for some well into Sunday night).

Some small businesses nationwide are reporting thousands of dollars of lost business — something that a credit for two days of cell and internet service for customers, if a business even uses Rogers for those things and can receive such a credit, won't solve.

Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses president and CEO Dan Kelly has suggested that businesses in this case be given a full month of free Rogers service, telling the Canadian Press that the timing came at a critical point when businesses are still trying to recover from years of pandemic lockdowns.

"Every single day of sales is absolutely critical in this recovery period. It was just brutal ... and far more than an inconvenience," he said.

Beyond businesses who aren't even Rogers customers and were still impacted by the Interac fiasco, there are also those individuals who are not Rogers customers and yet were still hindered by being unable to make necessary profesisonal contact with people who do use Rogers phone and/or Internet.

"What about #Teksavvy customers whose internet was down because Rogers owns the lines they rent. Do we also get compensated?" one person asked.

"What about us @Bell customers that could not get in touch with our clients or could not send files for comment?" said another.

People are rightfully angry with the big telecom — which has become notorious for such service distruptions — and are demanding more from them than a small rebate and crappy placations.

A class action suit filed in Montreal today is thus now seeking $400 per customer for the disaster.

Lead photo by

Becky Robertson

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