bar no phone

Toronto bar wants you to leave your phone at home

If you're tired of feeling alone in a crowded bar while those around Tinder, Instagram and tweet away, you should probably check out Take It Offline, a device-free event happening soon in Toronto.

Track & Field Bar, the College Street bar that lets you indulge your inner octogenarian with games of shuffleboard and bocce ball, will be home to a no-phones-allowed night on September 24. Tickets are currently available for $10.

"The biggest motivator was the realization that cellphones have become our social security blanket," writes Amanda Kwok via email. She's organizing the event with friend Kate Jaczko.

Kwok notes that according to a Harris/Decima poll for CIBC, the average 25 to 34-year-old Canadian checks their phone more than seven times per hour. The two women were startled by this stat and wanted to do something about it.

While breaking the smartphone habit may challenging, what better way to unplug than with a round of drinks and lawn games? Alongside those Track & Field staples, Take It Offline will entertain you with a magician, a bracelet making station and a communal art mural. If you decide to go, don't forget to leave your phone at home or alternatively, check it at the door.

Would you attend the Take It Offline event? Let us know in the comments.

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