to webfest toronto

Web series in the spotlight at first ever Toronto WebFest

In my experience, there's typically only one way to watch a webseries: In a single, furious binge, staring into a laptop screen by yourself for hours. (I mourn the week I lost to the Lizzie Bennet Diaries.) Not so this week in Toronto: Fans will be venturing out of the bedroom, and content creators will be thrust before their viewers, thanks to the first ever Toronto WebFest, a festival celebrating Canada's best web shows.

From May 9 to 11, the Harbourfront Centre will host free screenings - from comedy and drama to sci-fi and LGBT themed-series. The more hardcore can check out the festival's talks and panels (which you'll need a festival pass to attend). This being the Internet, expect liberal doses of geek culture (say, Versus Valerie and LARPs: The Series) and extreme silliness (the Rubber Chicken Players).

There's also a dose of big-ticket star power in the form of writer/director/nerd god Joss Whedon, who will ... not be there. Instead, Whedonites will flock to a special sing-along screening of his serialized web musical, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog (still deciding whether to wear the lab coat or giant gloves and a tight black T-shirt to this one).

Photo via Under The HUD on Facebook.

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