What, no image of "Big Boss"?

Metal Gear: Subliminal Snake

I'll utilize every conceivable opportunity to make a video game related post, but this one makes me a sad panda. Konami, makers of the awesome Castlevania and Metal Gear series, have had their slot machines yanked out of Ontario Casinos due to their alleged usage of subliminal messaging.

The machines in question would briefly flash "jackpot" symbols while still spinning, possibly making slot jockies think they're about to win a jackpot every time they play.

The effects of subliminal advertising have long been debated. Do slot jockies actually need to be convinced they should continue dropping coins in the slots, or are they just as likely to burn through their retirement nest-egg without any added incentive; what say you?

All I know is that if Konami makes a slot machine centered around the Belmont Clan, consider me whipped. Terrible pun. Image from Kotaku's post on the matter.

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