turning red movie

White film critic says Turning Red not for him and people have thoughts

A white guy just called new Toronto-based Pixar film Turning Red "exhausting" in a review, and he's getting absolutely roasted for it.

It's not necessarily the word in particular that's getting him in hot water, but the context he used it in.

The movie centres around Mei Lee, a 13-year-old member of Toronto's Asian community who turns into a giant red panda.

"Some Pixar films are made for a universal audience," reviewer Sean O'Connell tweeted along with a link to his review of the movie in CinemaBlend.

"The target audience for this one feels very specific, and very narrow. If you are in it, this might work well for you. I am not in it. This was exhausting."

People have been quick to fire back to the tweet, immediately poking holes in the concept that Pixar makes movies for universal audiences, as he avows only the company's "finest" features do.

"I have been asked to relate to so many orphan boys in my life," one person tweeted. "How did I, a girl with living parents, ever manage?"

"The reason I love Monsters, Inc is clear," tweeted someone else. "I am a monster who works in a monster factory."

Others are pointing out that as a white guy, O'Connell not being in the "very specific, and very narrow" audience isn't necessarily a bad thing.

One might even say that considering the movie was directed and written by Asian women, it was intentional.

"You know how limiting and exhausting it is to only see movies about young men?" someone tweeted.

"It bet it WOULD be exhausting not seeing your face represented in movies," tweeted somebody else.

One person argues, "Turning Red's specificity is one of the most charming things about it."

Some of history's greatest film experts have actually said understanding other perspectives is the whole point of what movies are all about.

O'Connell also calls Turning Red "the horniest movie in Pixar history" before saying "the film legitimately feels like it was made for Domee Shi’s friends and immediate family members. Which is fine…but also, a tad limiting in its scope."

Once the review was out, O'Connell has tweeted it was "really sad" that people were interpreting his review as saying there aren't enough movies out there that are relatable to white guys.

However, since the review has gained traction online, O'Connell has deleted the tweet with the link to the review and apologized in another tweet saying he didn't explain his point of view well.

Some are saying if he's deleting the tweet, he might as well delete his review entirely.

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