
Mushy Zombies on DVD

Be it global warming, or not enough sleep... but I seem to have abandoned my harsh, cynical ways in exchange for being a total mush-wad as of late. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I liked THE NOTEBOOK. Uh no, I really liked it. It has to do with the fact that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling had super-electric chemistry and that kept the film cruising. The DVD came out yesterday has lots of extras including ex-Torontonian Rachel McAdams' screen test.
But hey, if this southern-belle romance doesn't rock your boat, may I suggest a little British Zom-Com? You know, zombie-comedy? Mmmhmm, I'm talking about SHAUN OF THE DEAD. If you missed this in the theatre a few months back, it's a MUST see, and is also out on DVD. Frankly, it's hilarious. It's kinda like The Office meets, well... zombies. Who would've thought my late 20s would combine a passion for flesh eating and steamy make-out scenes? Call me old fashioned, I guess. Both flicks are available anywhere from Blockbuster to Suspect Video.

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