
Going To The Chapel. Or City Hall, Whatever...

It's confession time. The last time I wore an outfit based solely on the "shade" white, I was about 8 years-old, because that is how we used to rock it back in the day.

Then someone offered me a glass of grape juice. If you use your imagination for but a moment, you'll picture a short, curly-haired girl and a white outfit that wasn't quite as pristine white as it was when she put it on. (I hid it later, deep in my drawers thinking my mother would never find it. She did. It wasn't pretty).

Now that the boy and I became engaged just over a couple of weeks ago, it dawned on me that a white dress may be looming on the horizon for me. For a girl whose wardrobe has consistently been filled to the brim with blacks, blues and grays, this whole white business is just completely frightening. I'm going to have a good think about doing the whole traditional bride thing. But, for you girls out there who might be taking a trip down the aisle or hopping on a plane to Vegas, you may want to check out Toronto's "Most Fashionable Wedding Event" - Brides On Bloor first.

Running from October 20th to the 22nd at the Park Hyatt, Brides On Bloor will feature over 45 of Toronto's most lauded wedding professionals and has a schedule packed with speakers and ideas and a chance to win a luxury honeymoon. These people must have the patience of saints to deal with the bridezilla phenomenon that seems to overtake a portion of the female of the species the moment a ring gets slipped on her finger, but they are also very good at what they do. I'm thinking I may be safe from this epidemic, but it is very early in the game yet. However, I may go incognito and visit the show... for research of course.

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