no frills

People calling out No Frills for trying to play stupid prank

No Frills decided to take to social media at the end of this notoriously short month to make a little jokey joke, but people online haven't been having it since they're still upset about the chain's practices and that of its owner Loblaws.

Around the end of February, jokes and memes proliferate around the web often with "challenges," "dares" and the like that are supposed to take place from February "29 to 31."

No Frills decided to take the opportunity to make just such a joke, posting on Instagram (and Facebook) about a "three-day challenge."

"We challenge YOU to eat BANANAS ONLY from February 29-31," the post reads. "Clear beverages are allowed (no protein shakes). Tag yourself if you're joining, tag a friend to challenge 'em."

While the joke went right over some peoples' heads as intended, seeing as people are used to seeing 29 to 31 dates and forget that February only has 28 days, some others got it... and some who got it were upset, and felt it wasn't the right time to be joking as people are still upset with No Frills.

A company price freeze that recently ended at No Frills and Loblaws stores has attracted attention to the chains and their outrageous profits during a time when inflation is rampant and people are struggling to buy from the big box companies.

As such, a joke about eating "bananas only" has hit people where it hurts, and they're taking to the comments section of the Instagram post to let No Frills know, with many comments garnering many likes.

"February only has 28 days," one person pointed out. "The joke went right over y'alls heads," to which someone replied, "no, they aren't missing the point. They are struggling to afford food and don't find these little jokes funny anymore."

"Remember when bananas were like $0.19… I miss those days," someone wistfully commented.

The comments like this just keep coming, with people saying, "Is this because bananas are the cheapest things you sell right now?" and "3-Day Challenge! Make groceries affordable again so we can afford more than just bananas!" and "When everything is expensive, all you can eat is bananas. Am I right, Galen?"

"Seems insensitive to people who are actually eating bananas or skipping meals," one person commented.

One person might have summed it up the best, though: "You gotta learn how to be funny."

Lead photo by

Hector Vasquez

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