mcdonalds cheeseburger

Toronto man places Uber Eats delivery order for cheese and condiments from McDonald's

A Toronto man got quite the laugh after an attempt to order a plain McDonald's cheeseburger resulted in him getting a single piece of cheese instead. 

"I was drinking, but I wasn't blackout drunk,"  Dan Manina jokingly told blogTO of the incident. 

Manina said that back in August, he and a friend placed an Uber Eats order for a cheeseburger with no toppings on it but instead got a single piece of cheese with ketchup, pickles and other toppings they didn't want in the first place. 

"I was thinking, 'Who is making this thing?' and 'What are they thinking?' because not only did they put a piece of cheese in there but they put the ketchup, mustard and pickles on top of that cheese," Manina said, adding that the order came from the King/Bathurst McDonald's. 

uber eats toronto

Manina's receipt showing the modifications to his cheeseburger.

Manina decided to share his story after noticing that his situation was not unique. 

Earlier this week, a hungover Toronto woman attempted to order a plain McDonald's burger and received two packages of ketchup and nothing more. 

"We did laugh for about an hour," Manina said. 

Let's just say that the person who put this order together probably had a good laugh too. 

Lead photo by

Dan Manina

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