
Steam Whistle Sending Shipment to Canadian Troops

Spending this past weekend in Ottawa I was happy to see how many bars were stocking Steam Whistle. I hadn't given our local beer enough credit, thinking it was primarily a Toronto thing. It makes sense though, Ottawa, the capital of our nation, is only a few hours away. And just when I thought that Steam Whistle couldn't get any more patriotic, I hear that they are shipping beer to the Canadian Forces stationed in Afghanistan.

I can't think of a better way to show support for our troops. Whether or not I agree with Canada's role in Afghanistan is not important. The fact is: those are Canadians out there, and they deserve some beer!

"I credit the staff for undertaking this worthy initiative. The staff suggested we try to help the troops enjoy a taste of home for their Christmas party. Every staff member donated one week's worth of their staff beer for the Armed Forces Christmas Party," explained Cam Heaps, President of Steam Whistle. It was nice seeing the Toronto beer only as far away as Ottawa; I can only imagine what it would be like for a Torontonian on duty to open the signature green case.

photo: Zach Slootsky

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