selfie school toronto

Toronto studio teaches you how to take a better selfie

If you're unpopular on Instagram and Facebook and unlucky on OkCupid and Tinder, maybe you've considered going outside or developing new skills and interests - or maybe you've dreamed of selfie school.

Toronto, it's not a dream. Richmond Hill photo studio Selfies is offering to "teach people how to take professional pictures on their own with a high quality DSLR camera, costumes, backgrounds and a variety of props." Just show up with your pals/extras and a USB stub - Selfies will take care of the rest.

The concept is a bit misleading as none of the sample photos on the actual website are handheld selfies proper, or even selfie stick pics. The studio instead hooks you up with a DSLR on a tripod and a remote, for which you've been given some handy tips that, I assume, include "stay still" and possibly "relax your mouth."

Rates are $25 per hour per person for three people or less, and $22 per person for four people or more. To use these tips at home you'll basically have to buy a studio set up - but isn't that how any school functions?

Will you shell out for selfie tutorials and cute pics, or just keep dreaming of the day someone with an iPhone 6 knows you well enough to accurately capture your inner light? Let us know in the comments.

Photo via Selfies

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