Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto

OCAD Student Granted Discharge After Fake Bomb Incident at the ROM

As reported in The Globe and Mail today, Thorarinn Ingi Jonsson, the OCAD student responsible for planting a fake pipe bomb outside the Royal Ontario Museum and passing it off as an art project last November, was given a discharge in a Toronto courtroom yesterday.

Jonsson is reported to be remorseful - he has made an apology, done a great deal of community service and had his parents contribute funds to the ROM and the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research for his part in disrupting the AIDS fundraiser that had to be cancelled as a result that night.

Is justice served by issuing Jonsson a conditional discharge and nine months probation, or was the judge too lenient?

Do you think that Johsson is a potentially bright young talent, albeit with controversial ideas of what is art? Or should Toronto be pleased to be rid of this young upstart from our arts scene?

Photo by Roger Cullman.

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