
Dinos, Now in Crystal

Today green t-shirt clad workers at the ROM are putting the finishing touches on a bunch of old bones. Months after the Crystal opening, more than 750 dinosaur and mammal artifacts will finally be on display starting this weekend.

The return of the ROM's most popular inhabitants is a big to-do on Bloor Street. Much is being made of the return of Gordo, a huge Barosaurus skeleton that was all but forgotten in the ROM's vaults but was recently "discovered" by curator David Evans. The Star has an extensive article and video on this so I won't bother repeating the details here.

What I will say, though, is that having laid eyes on the creature myself this morning it's an easy pick as the most impressive of the bunch. With its tiny head, massive body and ridiculously long neck and tail, even old Tyrannosaurus Rex looks just ordinary in comparison.

The James and Louise Temerty Galleries of the Age of Dinosaurs and the Gallery of Age of Mammals opens to the public December 15th. The ROM web site has more details about opening weekend activities, complete with hot chocolate and a free dino cookie to the first 1,000 through the door.

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