Daniel Libeskind Piano Design

Libeskind Designs Grand Piano for ROM Crystal

In collaboration with Schimmel Pianos, Studio Daniel Libeskind has designed a piano that will fit right at home in the newly designed Michael Lee Chin Crystal at the Royal Ontario Museum. This 5 metre (16 feet) long behemoth incorporates Libeskind's trademark jagged style for the exterior shell that will envelope the core inner workings of a "normal" grand piano. According to the Globe and Mail this design has been in the works since 2002, taking longer to build than the Crystal itself. An old USA Today article estimates the Libeskind piano will cost over $300,000.

As with the design of the Michael Lee Chin Crystal, you gotta love it (or hate it)! Personally, I'm not feelin' it. I wish he could channel more diversity into his design palette, such as his Chamber Works from the 80's.

Rendering: Studio Daniel Libeskind

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