It Does a Body Good

If you're looking for something a little more wholesome than imbibing alcoholic beverages on a patio this May 24 weekend; perhaps you have a few youngsters who need entertaining and you can't bring yourself to face the crowds on Toronto Island, why not make your way down to the Harbourfront Centre (Queen's Quay W at the end of York St.) and check out the Milk International Children's Festival of the Arts. It starts today and runs through May 29.

There are plenty of hands on activities, including ever popular arts and crafts as well as a LEGO play area, multi-media contemporary arts, theatrical performances (for a slightly higher ticket price) appropriate for a wide audience, and of course, plenty of the white stuff. Check the website for the dates and times of specific shows, or call (416) 973-4000.

Ticket prices range from $9 to $15.50. Let the kiddies wear themselves ragged on the obstacle courses and fill them with the tryptophan-rich beverages that are sure to be available so they can sleep tight while you and those of legal age polish off the 2-4 in celebration of Queen Victoria.

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